Sunday, July 13, 2014

Lab Update: Observing Live Specimens

The first step in observing phytoplankton from the reef is to collect the samples. Later this week I will be doing some field work and collecting original samples. Today's samples were collected from coral reef tanks outside our lab that are used for teaching purposes. Previously I showed you some images from prepared slides. Today I will be showing you how to observe live microorganisms under the microscope using an inverted microscope.

These images were taken not with the digital camera connected to the microscope and the laptop, but rather by simply holding my own digital camera up to the microscope eyepiece. I learned this technique from my students, who often use their iPhones to take fairly decent images of their microscope observations by simply holding the camera lens up to the eyepiece.

Foraminifera 40X
Diatom 40X

Diatom 40X

Here is a video I filmed with my camera of a diatom gliding through the water:


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