Thursday, July 24, 2014

Measurements with the Salinity Probe

This week I took my first measurement using the circuit I built and the code that I wrote!

Step one was to make salt water.  Not all that difficult to do.  I researched the appropriate salt content of ocean water.  Get some salt and some water of course.  Calculated and measured the exact amount of salt needed. Boiled water… had some tea.  Used the boiled water to dissolve the salt and put the salt water into a giant bucket.  


Step two - find a new bucket because the one used has a giant hole

Step three- clean split water

Step four- place the probe in the bucket of water and run the program. 

Step five- sit back down at the computer and resolve all error messages.

Step six – interpret findings.  

Step Seven will be to trouble shoot and eventually calibrate the values received with the true salt concentration of the water. 

Yay Science!


  1. Katelin - I've rated this post on 22 Danielson components, and I've determined that this post is Highly Effective. Way to go!
